Drive Trust with Transparency
No one wants to be left in the dark. Ensure that tenants or employees are aware of everything happening in the workplace with in-app content and mobile notifications that drive satisfaction and, ultimately, retention.

Your App, Your Brand
Extend your brand everywhere your tenants and employees use the HqO app. From logos and headers to preferred color schemes and utility button layouts, the HqO Workplace Experience App is customizable to match the unique look and feel of your brand or property. Use the app home screen to share news and events with visuals that match your brand identity. Build stronger connections between your company and your tenants or employees.
Target the Right Audiences
Reach the people you want with targeted content for specific audiences. Create and manage audience lists such as hybrid workers, new employees, new parents, and more. Develop the custom content you need to best target each audience.

Collect Valuable Insights
The days of relying on antiquated methods of communication are far behind us. Get instant feedback on the workplace experience with usage and feedback data to inform your communication strategy and gauge how people really feel about their workplace experience.
Do It Yourself and Save Time
Use time-saving forms to quickly create the exact app home screen content you want in less time than you'd spend with a traditional email marketing tool. Quickly add the elements you need such as text, images, CTA buttons, host, location, and directions.

Connect Your Workplace
Ensure your tenants or employees know about important building and workplace updates and feel connected to their workplace in more ways than one.

Curate Engaging Content
Engage your community through targeted content. Curate a central hub for all your workplace information, and use featured posts to highlight major initiatives.

Send Important Push Notifications
Send timely, targeted push notifications to every tenant or company employee's smartphone. There's no longer a need to rely on email or tenant gatekeepers to get your message to your desired audience.

Offer Peace of Mind
Promote the safety and security of your community with a communication infrastructure that allows you to alert people, mitigate security risks, and keep people informed and safe.